Dr. Arul Amuthan Siddha Consultant: Insights into Siddha Medicine and Integrative Health Research
Dr. Arul Amuthan
Centre for Integrative Medicine, Division of Siddha, MAHE conducted Degree awarding ceremony for the PG Certificate in Siddha Varmam Therapy students. A total of nine students received the degree from the Pro-Vice Chancellor of MAHE. Doctros from MBBS, BSMS, BUMS, BNYS completed Varma Therapy course and got their certificate. Dr. Harivishal is the first MBBS doctor who finished the Varma thepray course and got certificate of Appreciation from Vice Chancellor. There are four Medical Students from Morehouse School of Medicine arrived Manipal to learn Varma Therapy and we welcomed them in the same event..............
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kaakkai siraginile
2024 July